Technically that is a true statement, anyone can go on the internet and book a vacation. Prior to entering the travel industry I was a ‘do-it-your-selfer’ and I planned some amazing trips. I took a lot of pride in the fact I coordinated every detail. In fact 1 year ago almost to the day I was planning my family’s trip to South Africa when my travel advisor neighbor asked me who I was working with. I told her I was planning it all myself on the internet—she thought I was crazy! Looking back, we had an amazing trip but if I had used the assistance of an advisor there are SO many things that could have been better (and less stressful).
I have learned a lot in the past 7 months how travel advisors add value. You may have seen at King Travel Design we call it our 3 P’s: Planning, Perks & Peace of Mind.
I have seen a lot of articles and blogs on ‘Why use a Travel Advisor?’ but this article from Virtuoso particularly resonated with me.

It brings me pride in the fact several of my clients have not previously used Travel Advisors but have told me they will never plan their own trip again. (You can view my latest reviews HERE.) If you would like to experience how King Travel Design can simplify your travel experience, click below for a complimentary consultation.